Friday, October 31, 2014
Short of the Week Blog
The Short of the week I watched was "Behold the Noose." After about a minute into watching, I was hooked. The way the documentary got me hooked, was when the officer on the radio said the place was haunted. What made this documentary good was the suspense, some people may not like suspense, but that is the reason I enjoyed this documentary. Sense this was supposed to be a scary, suspenseful short, I noticed that the setting got dark really quick; it seemed that the sunset in seconds. What could of been better is defiantly the acting, and I would of liked to know more of the plot to this short.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Blog Reflection
Finally this is my final blog post; a lot of weight and stress is being lifted off my shoulders. First I would like to just say, I didn't enjoy writing these blogs, but I do realize that these blog posts were fairly easy to type up, in a matter of minutes, and was a pretty easy grade. I do feel like I've become a better writer, after having to type so much for this class. My researching has defiantly changed, I now actually go to a website, read, and find quotes for my topic. It wasn't until these blogs, I've asked questions, but to be honest, I probably won't have to again. I'm really glad I learned about using the UK Libraries website for finding sources, it has been very helpful for me lately. I was having trouble finding good articles to write about, before I was introduced to the UK Libraries website. Other than that, I really didn't have any trouble with blogger; blogger I feel has been a great learning tool, and keeps you busy during the week. I do have to say the only thing I struggled with was motivation to sit down and type, because I hate typing, it stresses me out. Now that I've come to the end of writing my last blog, I feel very relieved, and excited that I don't have to stress out about getting my blogs done and also now I don't have to worry about typing a last second blog Friday morning.
Cell Phones preventing Domestic Violence
A great article on ending domestic violence in Kentucky's workplace, is an article called, Donating old cellphones will help fight domestic violence, I found this article on the Herald Leader.
The title of this article pretty much explains completely what its about. The State government is using an organization called the Kentucky Commission on Women Statewide HopeLine Drive, too collect donations of old, used, or even broken cellphones. What this organization will be raising money for is domestic violence awareness in our workplace. Most of those who are abused in the workplace are to scared to report their abuse to any high authority, in fear that their abuser will increase the abuse if they find out, and give them possible "unexpected visits". Domestic violence in the workplace causes poor employee performance, and a poor business image. Some statistics found by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are that, 30% of Untied States workplace with domestic violence policies, 445% of those companies don't ever address them. The way the state has responded to these statistics, is with the WorkSafe program. What the WorkSafe program is doing is reducing the economic, legal, and productivity risks of domestic violence in the workplace.
If your wanting to donate through HopeLine, you can drop off any of your old cellphones at a HopeLine collection box at your nearest Version Wireless store. A few questions I had after reading this article are, when did HopeLine start? Is there any other states doing something similar to HopeLine? Does your donation have to being old cellphones?
The title of this article pretty much explains completely what its about. The State government is using an organization called the Kentucky Commission on Women Statewide HopeLine Drive, too collect donations of old, used, or even broken cellphones. What this organization will be raising money for is domestic violence awareness in our workplace. Most of those who are abused in the workplace are to scared to report their abuse to any high authority, in fear that their abuser will increase the abuse if they find out, and give them possible "unexpected visits". Domestic violence in the workplace causes poor employee performance, and a poor business image. Some statistics found by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are that, 30% of Untied States workplace with domestic violence policies, 445% of those companies don't ever address them. The way the state has responded to these statistics, is with the WorkSafe program. What the WorkSafe program is doing is reducing the economic, legal, and productivity risks of domestic violence in the workplace.
If your wanting to donate through HopeLine, you can drop off any of your old cellphones at a HopeLine collection box at your nearest Version Wireless store. A few questions I had after reading this article are, when did HopeLine start? Is there any other states doing something similar to HopeLine? Does your donation have to being old cellphones?
Green Dot Survey
This past Tuesday, a couple of my group members and I, met up at the student Center to conduct a small survey about the Green Dot Program, to some random students. The survey was only two questions long, the first question was, "Have you heard of the Green Dot Program?", and the follow up question to that was, "Do you know where it's located?". The total amount of people we surveyed was twenty, and what our results trended was, most people know about the Green Dot Program, eighteen said, "yes, they knew what the Green Dot Program was", and only two didn't. Our results from the second question were more uniform than the first question. Only nine of the twenty people knew where the Green Dot Program was, and the other eleven didn't know.
Like I said before, our survey was very short, and only took us about an half hour to complete. Overall I feel like we collected good and a fair amount of results. What I learned from doing this survey is that, the Green Dot Program is more popular than I thought it was. I personally didn't know what the Green Dot Program was before this project, that's maybe because I'm just a crisp freshman. I've found that the Green Dot Program is a great program, and I think it deserves national attention, for the great service they are providing.
Like I said before, our survey was very short, and only took us about an half hour to complete. Overall I feel like we collected good and a fair amount of results. What I learned from doing this survey is that, the Green Dot Program is more popular than I thought it was. I personally didn't know what the Green Dot Program was before this project, that's maybe because I'm just a crisp freshman. I've found that the Green Dot Program is a great program, and I think it deserves national attention, for the great service they are providing.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Ending Sexual Assault in the United States
From the UK Libraries website, I found the
article White House launches
effort to tackle sexual assault on campuses, from the Herald
This article is about how the government is
getting involved with stopping sexual assault on school campuses in the United
States. The government is using major sport leagues and big named celebrities,
to help spread the word, some of the celebrities involved are Kevin Love, Jon
Hamm, and Connie Britton. This to me kind of sounds like the Green Dot program
on a bigger scale, it’s similar because both the government initiative and the
green Dot program are focusing on spreading the word of preventing on-campus
sexual assault. According to the article, the White House has recently launched
the "It's On Us" initiative. The meaning of this initiative is for
everyone to become aware of sexual assault, and the article has a quote from
President Obama saying, "This is on all of us, every one of us, to fight
campus sexual assault".
Obama also says, it’s the parent’s responsibility to teach young women to be
cautious of these threats, and to teach the young men to be respectful of
women. The article concludes with the statistic of 1 in 5 college women
will experience some sort of sexual assault on campus, and that most will
experience this is the first year by someone they know.
I found this article to be short and to
the point, an easy read with plenty of information for my blog post. Some
questions I have after reading this article are, when did the government get
involved with sexual assault prevention? Was it just recently? Or have they
been working on this for years now?
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Sexual Violence Victims
Using the UK Library search engine, Academic Search Complete, I found a very interesting article called, "Campus and College Victim Responses to Sexual Assault and Dating Violence: Disclosure, Service Utilization, and Service Provision". This article is about studies about sexual violence, sexual assault, and dating violence. After reading this article you will be provided with information, and statistics about all the sexual violence in the country.
This article gives important details on what sexual violence is, who is mostly targeted, and why it happens. In the beginning of the article it has some very compelling statistics about sexual violence. The statistic that stood out the most to me, said that women are most likely to be raped between the ages of 18-24. This is a very scary stat for college girls, because if your in college, then your probably between these ages. Most of this article is about the research, and studies of sexual violence. If your wanting to read this interesting article, then hers the link, link,
The article then goes on explaining different methods, models, and disclosures of their studies. The article concludes with basic advice to avoiding sexual violence, ways for help, and the biggest factors that lead to sexual violence.
After looking at this article I wonder who, and how are these statistics found? Who is being studied? Are they studying people in a specific area, or school? How many people were studied?
Friday, October 3, 2014
Green Dot, Here to Help
Joining the Green Dot Program is just like joining any other club, go to;, to register. Joining is completely free; all you have to do is fill out an online registration. After joining something you probably should attend is the 2-part green dot training. By attending the 2-part green dot training, you will learn the green dot core curriculum. The four components of the green Dot Program that you will learn during training are, relationships, connection, knowledge, and skills. You will learn what a positive relationship is, and looks like, personal levels of connection and responsibility. In training you will also learn some of the green dot's research knowledge, and some of the shocking statistics they have accumulated. Most importantly you will learn skills of delivering and spreading the word of green dot, and important ways of preventing a situation when in occurs. For my information on the green dot training I used,
Even if your not apart of the Green Dot Program, and you are having a violent relationship, then green dot is here to help, just go online to,, and click on the tab to the Green Dot Program, and there you can click on either get help now, talk to someone now, or get information. This is what the Green Dot Program is all about, helping and preventing personal violence on campus, and their here to help.
After my research on the ways the Green Dot Program helps is, what are some easy techniques to help prevent a violent relationship? What are some ways to notice a relationship heading in a violent direction? Lastly, is the Green Dot Program any fun to join? What are some benefits of joining?
Even if your not apart of the Green Dot Program, and you are having a violent relationship, then green dot is here to help, just go online to,, and click on the tab to the Green Dot Program, and there you can click on either get help now, talk to someone now, or get information. This is what the Green Dot Program is all about, helping and preventing personal violence on campus, and their here to help.
After my research on the ways the Green Dot Program helps is, what are some easy techniques to help prevent a violent relationship? What are some ways to notice a relationship heading in a violent direction? Lastly, is the Green Dot Program any fun to join? What are some benefits of joining?
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Green Dot Program
The Green Dot Program is a nationwide program to help prevent sexual violence such as, rape, relationship violence, or stalking. If you are interested in furthering your knowledge about the Green Dot Program, go check out the UK How the green Dot Program works is with an online map of campus, that will show green and red dots. Green dots represent the save areas, where no sexual violence has occurred. On the other hand, the red dots represents just the opposite, they represent a recent act of personal violence. To get more green dots, we as a community need to support and help prevent sexual violence on campus, by helping those in need. Easy ways to gain green dots for example is by spreading the word about preventing sexual violence, simply by talking with friends, email, or using social media, and donations also help too. Ways you can show your support for the Green Dot Program is by, placing green dot stickers on some of your personal belongings, where green dot shirts, and being social to anyone about the Green Dot Program. "It is estimated that 1 in 5 women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there" (President Obama, To me that statistics is way to high, and very scary for the women on our campus. After my research of the Green Dot Program, I fully support this great program. Some questions I am left with are, who started the Green Dot Program, and when did it start? How strong is the support nationwide for the Green Dot Program?
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Frank G. Dicky
The College of Education, located on Scott street near upper street, houses the Frank G. Dicky building. The Frank G. Dicky building is named after the fifth president of the University of Kentucky. Frank Dicky was born in 1917, and is originally from Oklahoma. Dicky would attend the University of Transylvania, and would graduate from there, receiving his Master of Arts degree. He then would receive his Doctorate of education at the University of Kentucky. Dicky then next enlisted into the Armed Forces, until he was discharged as a Master Sergeant in 1946. It wasn't until 1956 when Frank G. Dicky becomes the youngest president at the University of Kentucky at the age of 38. One of Dicky's biggest accomplishments in his time as president, was the establishment of the UK Medical Center. Dicky was president from 1956-1963, and during his time as president there was a significant increase in student enrollment, major physical growth such as on and off campus building renovations, and also he raised academic standards. Frank G. Dicky resigned from presidency in 1963 and then became a director of the Southern Associates of Colleges and Schools, until 1965. After his time at the Southern Associates of College and Schools, Dicky became the head of the National Commission on Charlotte, North Carolina. When Frank G. Dicky eventually retired, he would live the rest of his life in Lexington, until he died in 2009. I found this great information about Frank G. Dicky on the UK website at, After my research I am left with the question, when did Frank G. Dicky begin to earn all this respect, to have a building named after him? Also I would like to know when the Frank G. Dicky building was built.
Friday, September 26, 2014
On Campus Intramural Sports
Intramural's sports at the University of Kentucky, have been an organization since the 1930's. The University of Kentucky offers pretty much every sport you can think of, but if you're looking to play ping pong as an intramural, UK doesn't have it. Some of the most popular intramural sports on campus are flag football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, and all these sports are of course co-ed. Intramural sports is a great way to meet new people, and stay in shape. Intramural sports are also a great transition from the high school sports you played. If you are interested in playing an intramural sport, go to, to read about intramural sports. To actually sign up to play a intramural sport you will need to go to, and there you will need to register your UK email, to join a team.Most outdoor intramural sports will be played during the fall or first semester, and more of your indoor sports will be played during the winter, or second semester. Most intramural sports are played primarily at, or around the Johnson Center. Just outside of the Johnson center on the field is where flag football, soccer, and ultimate frisbee will be played. Tennis will obviously be played on the tennis courts by the Johnson center, and basketball, and volleyball will be played inside the Johnson center. Like I said before, intramural sports are a great way to get in shape, meet new people, and also work on communication, teamwork, and leadership skills. What sports don't intramural's offer, and why?
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Shark Tank Reflection
Looking back on my Shark Tank proposal and presentation, I feel overall good about both. My writing process for my proposal was to inform and persuade the reader about Christian Student Fellowship. My writing strategy didn't change, because this proposal to me was fairly easy to write, and I have already wrote plenty of papers similar to this one. I feel like my strengths of my written proposal was the information I provided in the text, this is because my source was a great source, which was the CSF website itself. Strengths of my presentation would also have to be the information I gave, I also felt like I presented my organization fairly well to the class. I really don't know any weaknesses, but I would say the length of my paper, since it was just above the minimum word count that was required. My weaknesses for my presentation other than not liking to present in general, would also have to be the length. My Powerpoint was only 4 slides, and didn't go into a lot of depth. My overall assumption from this project to me is that I did very well, and I'm hoping my grade will reflect my effort into this project. This project also wasn't to demanding or boring, I somewhat enjoyed researching CSF, and learning all about what they do on campus. Lastly this project didn't stress me out because it wasn't too difficult, and because it only required to write a 600 word proposal, and a short Powerpoint with a presentation.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Centre Point Project
The proposal for the Centre Point Project was in 2008, but with some controversy, construction was postponed until 2013. What the finished product of the Centre Point Project is going to be is, an apartment complex, an office building, and a 18 story hotel. The estimated time for the Centre Point Project to be finished is unclear as of now, but from some research I can predict the Centre Point Project should be finished in 2016. Originally the Centre Point Project was projected to be finished in time for the World Equestrian games in 2010, but construction was postponed in 2008, because of land ordeals with the downtown Lexington music hall called The Dame.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Christian Student Fellowship
Christian Student Fellowship, or CSF is a on campus ministry. The main building of CSF can be found at 502 Columbia Ave, and for any further information about CSF go to CSF is completely free to join, and has fun events to enjoy every week. Some weekly events include Synergy, which is a time of worship, SHIFT, a way for fellow freshmen to come together, meet new people, and talk about God. One event that we all can enjoy is Free Friday Flapjack's, this event takes place every friday at midnight, and will be serving stacks of pancakes free to enjoy by anyone. CSF also offers seasonal retreats for any students who are interested. This fall, October 10th-12th, CSF will be heading to the Woodland Lakes in Amelia, Ohio, and any student/member of CSF can go for $59. The fall retreat is a fun filled weekend, consisting of dodgeball, meeting new people, and plenty of worship.
If you want to help out the community, than you should get involved in CSF's CSF Serve. CSF Serve is a way for you to help and impact the struggling community's in Lexington. To get signed up for CSF Serve, go to the CSF webpage and join a CSF group to get involved. If you are looking to get involved on campus, you should defiantly take interest in CSF. CSF is a very exciting club to be apart of and will ultimately help you build your relationship with God, and give you the honor of impacting the life's and community of Lexington.
If you want to help out the community, than you should get involved in CSF's CSF Serve. CSF Serve is a way for you to help and impact the struggling community's in Lexington. To get signed up for CSF Serve, go to the CSF webpage and join a CSF group to get involved. If you are looking to get involved on campus, you should defiantly take interest in CSF. CSF is a very exciting club to be apart of and will ultimately help you build your relationship with God, and give you the honor of impacting the life's and community of Lexington.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
The History Behind Albert B. Chandler
Well who is Albert B.
Chandler? If you haven't heard of Albert B. Chandler, than you may of heard of
Happy Chandler, a nickname given to him for his jovial disposition. Albert B.
Chandler was born in Corydon, Kentucky in the year 1898, and he would spend
most is life living in Kentucky. Chandler was a very intellectual man, who
would attend Harvard University, and graduate from Transylvania University in
1921. After Chandler graduated he would go on to become a member of the
Kentucky State Senate from 1930-1931, the Governor of Kentucky from 1935 until
he would resign in 1935. On November 5th, 1940 Albert B. Chandler was elected
to the United States Senate, filling the spot of the deceased Marvel Mills
Logan, Chandler would serve on the senate until resigning in 1945. After
resigning from the senate Chandler would be reelected as governor of Kentucky
in 1955-1959, and then serve as a National democratic committeeman for the
state of Kentucky. Albert B. Chandler would reside to Versailles, Kentucky and live there until his death in 1991, he was 92.
The University of Kentucky Hospital on Rose Street was named after former Governor Albert B. Chandler. There is no particular reason the hospital is named after Albert B. Chandler, other than to honor him, this forms my question of, why is the hospital named after a governor?
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