Friday, October 10, 2014

Ending Sexual Assault in the United States

      From the UK Libraries website, I found the article White House launches effort to tackle sexual assault on campuses, from the Herald Leader. 

      This article is about how the government is getting involved with stopping sexual assault on school campuses in the United States. The government is using major sport leagues and big named celebrities, to help spread the word, some of the celebrities involved are Kevin Love, Jon Hamm, and Connie Britton. This to me kind of sounds like the Green Dot program on a bigger scale, it’s similar because both the government initiative and the green Dot program are focusing on spreading the word of preventing on-campus sexual assault. According to the article, the White House has recently launched the "It's On Us" initiative. The meaning of this initiative is for everyone to become aware of sexual assault, and the article has a quote from President Obama saying, "This is on all of us, every one of us, to fight campus sexual assault". Obama also says, it’s the parent’s responsibility to teach young women to be cautious of these threats, and to teach the young men to be respectful of women. The article concludes with the statistic of 1 in 5 college women will experience some sort of sexual assault on campus, and that most will experience this is the first year by someone they know. 

      I found this article to be short and to the point, an easy read with plenty of information for my blog post. Some questions I have after reading this article are, when did the government get involved with sexual assault prevention? Was it just recently? Or have they been working on this for years now? 


  1. Nice article Evan, before hearing about the Green Dot program I had no idea that sexual assault was so prevalent on campuses across the U.S. The most powerful aspect of your blog post was definitely the statistic of 1 and 5 women. Since you're researching the topic, I think it would be interesting to see if there is any bias towards a retain race of women in these statistics.

  2. I think this is a very important documentary topic because there is a lot of sexual assault that happens on many campus's around the nation. I'm so glad that UK has the green dot program because it makes me feel safer knowing that things are being done to prevent crime.
